Happy Sunday To My DN Readers #Prayer

The rain stopped falling today.
All of the clouds seemed to have gone away.
The sun shone bright and clear.
The dew sparkled with glistening, radiant cheer.
Upon each flower, a smile and a touch of laughter appeared.
A song came singing amidst the wind so cool and calm,
with a deep sense of security in the air.
Why then, Lord, am I feeling such great despair, feeling overloaded with
worldly cares?
Why then, Lord, are my eyes filled with much sorrow and tears?
My heart aches for comfort, my mind for peaceful refuge through
the power of prayer.
Though I have perceived all the
beauty around me,
my spirit cries out loudly,
"Oh Lord, I am empty and bare."
Hoping to hear His sweet voice once again,
I plead in travail,
"Lord cleanse me from all of my sin,
And let Your glorious light enter in.
Remember me as I remember You,
for without You I have reached my end."
His sweet, forgiving love flows like a river.
My heart is reminded that He is my forever-lasting Friend.
The foundation which cannot be shaken,
now the renewal of my sleeping spirit,
which has been awaken,
knowing that in His love I can always,
yes always, depend.
For He is my forever Friend-Jesus.
