Another 50 lashes imminent for Saudi blogger Badawi, rights activists say

Raif Badawi set up a website to express his views and those of others. For that he was sentenced to 10 years in jail and 1,000 lashes with a whipping cane.
To Saudi Arabian authorities, the blogger is a criminal, and they are due to issue him a round of 50 lashes any day, Human Rights Watch warned.
It will be his second round in a total of 20. He endured the first one in January stoically, arching his back in pain.

'Saudi Arabian Liberals' 

Badawi has sat behind bars since 2012 for his online posts and running a blog called "Saudi Arabian Liberals," where he hosted political and religious debate and advocated secularism in a highly religious society.

In 2013, a court originally sentenced him to seven years and 600 lashes, but the punishment was upped upon appeal, Human Rights Watch has said. The sharper measures also includes a fine of about $265,000, the group said.

The sentencing covers convictions for violating the kingdom's information technology law, insulting Islam, and according to HRW, "blasphemous phrases on his Facebook page and disobedience to his father."
On Monday, Saudi Arabia's Supreme Court upheld the sentence, now Badawi has no more appeals.

50 lashes, 20 times

He was initially due to receive the second round of lashes not long after the first one. It was proscribed he get them about once a week for 20 weeks, in a place open to public viewing.
A light wooden cane is used for the lashes, which are administered on the legs and back, HRW said. They usually leave bruises but don't often break the skin.
But eight days after the initial flogging, doctors determined that Badawi's injuries had not healed sufficiently to be flogged for the second time, Amnesty International reported. Another round would be detrimental, they said.
The second beating has been postponed many times.
"His health is poor, and he cannot take another round of lashes," Badawi's wife, Ensaf Haidar, told Amnesty then.

International outcry

On top of health concerns, the first lashing ignited international outcry from human rights activists and from Western governments.
Before the supreme court decision, U.S. officials had called on Saudi officials to withdraw the sentence and review Badawi's case.
Human Rights Watch said in protest at the time, "Publicly lashing a peaceful activist merely for expressing his ideas sends an ugly message of intolerance."
