How to Tell if He Really Loves You

You've been wondering lately about how much your guy friend cares about you. It can be hard to figure out if he loves you, especially if he's never said "I love you." However, you can look for a few signs that will show you whether he really loves you or not.

1 Notice how he treats you. If your boyfriend loves you, he will treat you with respect. That means that he listens to you and cares about what's going on in your life. He notices the little things that you like and goes out of his way to give them to you. He values you as a person, and he genuinely listens to your opinions. Doing these things shows he honestly cares about you.

2 See how much you question his feelings. If a guy really loves you, it's doubtful you'll need to question it. That is, he's going to make you feel his love in one way or another, by showing you how he feels and saying it to you.[2]On the other hand, you have to make sure that maybe you're not letting your insecurities overrule the emotions of someone who obviously loves you. In other words, you may not feel like he loves you, but it could be just your anxieties talking. If past partners have said you get clingy sometimes, it may be a sign you're insecure. You may also notice yourself trying to be extra nice to win his love or trying to meet his needs all the time without thinking about your own.[3]One way to combat this type of insecurity is to pay attention to what you're feeling instead of always focusing on others; take the time to identify each emotion. As you identify emotions, notice how it guides your behavior. If you're feeling upset and you start worrying that your boyfriend doesn't love you, you may find yourself trying to please him more. Often, these anxieties are unfounded, especially if he's finding ways to show his love all the time.
Also, it's important to identify the source of your insecurity. Maybe you've internalized the critical voice of one of your parents, or maybe you've had rotten luck in past relationships with guys who have mistreated you. Don't just let your inner critic run wild. Instead, talk back to it. When you catch yourself doubting the other person or yourself, try to turn it around. For instance, if you find yourself saying "He didn't call me back, so he probably doesn't love me anymore," try to stop the thought. Say, "No, that's not right. He tells me he loves me everyday. He probably just got busy

3 Check to see how much time he spends with you. A guy who loves you is going to want to spend time with you. If he makes time for you on a regular basis and goes out of his way to see you, he's likely in love with you.[6]Watch to see if he blows you off. If your guy doesn't really care, he's more likely to blow you off. That means he won't make time for you as often as you'd like, and when he does, he may cancel at the last minute. If he's not consistently making time for you, then he probably doesn't love you.[7]Of course, sometimes, a guy is going to have a legitimate reason to cancel on you. However, he should try to give you as much advance notice as possible. He should also be interested in rescheduling. If he's not, he may not be that into you.

4 See if he's willing to do part of the work. That is, he should be willing to come up with plans and dates, not just you. You shouldn't have to schedule everything yourself. If he's willing to take the lead at least part of the time, he probably cares for you.[8]One way to make sure he's willing is to don't plan everything. Give your guy a chance to plan dates for you. He should be willing to take the initiative if he cares about you.

5 Make sure he's willing to compromise. Being in a relationship means making sacrifices sometimes by compromising with another person. That means, sometimes he gives a little more, and sometimes you give a little more. For instance, it may mean he's willing to go see a movie that he knows he's not going to like, while you're willing to go to the sport's bar sometimes, even if it's not your thing. If he's willing to participate in some give and take, then he's probably starting to fall in love with you

To be continued...
