#talkwithbmartins: THE MAKING OF A DIVA...part 1

Are Diva's born or made? Now this is the question for the week😉. 
  Personally I believe "Divas" are born, and I also believe there is a Diva inside every woman. First, let's find out the true definition of a "Diva". The word "Prima Donna" actually means "First Lady" and was used to describe the principle female singer in an opera or concert organization. 
    This spoke of her level of talent. 
She was a primo, the best, unsurpassed by countless others, "the creme de la creme"! 
It has been said that "Divas" command attention without demanding it. There is just something about a true diva. There is an air of confidence, finesse, style and originality mingled with a certain "je ne sais quoi" as the French word would say in a grand manner. From the moment a Diva steps into the room, everyone knows that "she" has "arrived". 
    Divas never walk into a room , they arrive! 
Their bearing and manner sends the signal loud and clear that "I am a woman set apart". 
They never exit a room without leaving a part of themselves behind. A rich deposit of wisdom, an encouraging word, something seemingly intangible yet profound, that leaves a lasting impression on the hearts of those who Interacted with them.
Indeed! Because we now know the first definition for "Diva" is "Divine", we can totally attribute this speed quality to being a God thing. A deposit of the divine nature of God was placed into the spirit of every woman when the breath of life into her became a living soul. 
    In that moment, she was set apart for a unique purpose with divine credentials for living out her calling. 
A big invisible stamp was placed on her that made everyone recognize she was special. 
So, my lady, in order to become this total outstanding and victorious package, we need to make sure that everything in our lives is in divine order... Spiritually, emotionally and physically. And the key is "ATTITUDE" : Attitude is everything.
    But how do you get the right diva-tude? How do you find the real you, the one that is worthy of celebrating, especially if your attitude has been formed by the opinions, affirmations, or criticisms of others? As someone really special to me will always say, opinions are like "Tushes" everyone has one.....that there are three views of who we are- ours, others, and God's. So who do we listen to? Ourselves? Others? God? You guessed it right honey, God! His the only valid opinion. He knows everything, sees everything and understands everything about you. He's straight forward, honest, and ever optimistic about you. Others can only see you through their own experiences....  (Just pause and smile😉😊)

So now what's a Diva to do? Throw out all the baggage  and sweep out all the lies that make you victim instead of a victor. If a simple girl like Esther could become a queen,then you can truly rise to diva stature. It's time to rearrange your mind, and be quite honest, perhaps a few friendships and associations. Mike Murdoch, framed author and teacher, says it best, "Go where you are celebrated, not tolerated". 
Last but not the least, the shulammite woman in the bible, the woman whose story I love sooooooo much, had something to offer besides herself. She had a vineyard to give to her king. Financial security is a big confidence booster, but it extends beyond that. 
What else do you have to offer besides physical beauty? Intelligence? Resourcefulness? The gift of hospitality? Creativity? Style? 
A true "Diva" in other to be considered divine, needs to be a complete package. She must come bringing more than herself or what she wants to the party. 
Now!!! its time to complete the picture of who you are as a woman.... 
Coming up next week are the do's and don't of a "diva" you can't afford to miss this one....
Have a great week ahead and don't forget to be a  "Diva"....
