Cancer alert : Foods to eat and avoid

There is an alarming increase in the rate at which people are diagnosed with cancer these days. In the last one week, I have heard at least five cases of people I know. It is scary. Below, I have compiled a list of some food items that promotes good health and some that can trigger off cancer 1. Stinky vegetables: Such sulfur_containing veggies – such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale and Brussels sprouts – “turn off signals to cancer cells to divide and conquer,” 2. Pistachios: This green nut is full of gamma_tocopherol, a potentially cancer_fighting type of vitamin E.-(available in mega supermarkets) 3. Beans: The fiber, potassium, magnesium and folate in beans are tied to decreased cancer risk, says the AICR’s experts. And some of the beans’ phytochemicals may slow tumor growth and inhibit cancer cell reproduction. 4. Green, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables: These colorful foods give us carotenoids, a powerful anti_cancer antioxidant. Fill up on broccoli, carrots, spinach, pawpaw and pumpkin because they probably protect us from cancers of the lung, esophagus, mouth and pharynx. In fact, it’s a good idea to eat your way across the veggie and fruit rainbow, because each color offers a variety of cancer_fighting vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. 5. Honey: Consider using honey instead of sugar or sugar substitutes to sweeten foods. Studies have shown honey decreases tumor growth in mice and seems to have anti_bacterial properties that might decrease stomach ulcers. But don’t pile on the sweet stuff. One tablespoon of honey has around 60 calories and, after all, weight control is a primary cancer_prevention goal. Another word of caution: Babies younger than one year shouldn’t be given honey – they don’t have a strong enough immune system to fight off botulism spores that may be lurking in it. 6. Whole grains: People who ate a lot of whole grains had a 21%_43% lower risk of developing those cancers compared to people who ate less, according to a review of 40 studies of gastrointestinal cancer conducted by University of Minnesota researchers. Vanguard
